What Are The Match Types?

When it comes to keyword targeting on Amazon, there are three match types that you can utilize to position your ads in front of your ideal customers. 

These match types are broad, phrase, and exact targeting. When used correctly, each of these match types have the potential to catapult your sponsored listing ahead of your competitors.

In this blog I will break down how each match type works and how you can utilize each one to get the most out of your campaigns. 


Broad match targeting is when Amazon shows your sponsored ad to any given keyword included in the targeted phrase. 

For example, if you were targeting the search phrase “plastic cup for kids”, your listing could appear on any of those keywords within that phrase. Broad match is best when it comes to discovering new keywords that you can use in your campaigns. 

While targeting broad match keywords, it is strongly suggested to only use the most relevant keywords to the advertised product, in order to fully optimize your budget spend efficiency.


Phrase match targeting is when Amazon keeps the target keyword phrase intact. 

Using the example from above, if you were targeting the phrase “plastic cup for kids”, Amazon will keep that phrase intact while including other keywords before or after the phrase, such as “kids cup plastic”.

 Phrase match is best when it comes to narrowing your keywords to specific phrases. It is important to include Phrase match targeting in your campaigns in order to discover new phrases that customers are using to find your product. 


Exact match targeting is when you want Amazon to show your listing for the exact keyword phrase you selected. 

Unlike Phrase or Broad match types, with exact match targeting your sponsored ad will only be shown for the given keyword phrase. 

With exact match keywords, you can expect to pay more for bids. Because of this, it is best to use the Exact match type only for highly relevant keywords that are proven to drive revenue.


Hopefully this blog was able to help you get a grasp on the different match types available within PPC. 

When used correctly you can leverage these match types to discover new keywords as well as hone in on keywords that are proven to perform. 

If you are unsure on whether or not you are utilizing each match type correctly feel free to book a call with us! We can take a dive into your account and see if there are any areas that can be improved upon.

Corey B

Corey is an eCommerce & Branding consultant with a decade of experience elevating brand sales across marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart and Shopify sites. He has directly managed tens of millions in sales on Amazon in FBA, FBM, & SFP models.

Corey specializes in selling on Amazon, utilizing unique and comprehensive brand strategies that build successful long term products. His brand management techniques have yielded massive success for his clients, earning him a reputation as a problem solver and a strategic leader.

As an Omnichannel eCommerce consultant, Corey has been featured in many workshops and seminars, teaching others how to build their brands online. Corey is an advocate for building flexible businesses that bring balance to your life, allowing for freedom of location and time.

Beyond eCommerce, Corey spends his time as a highly competitive runner, a coffee connoisseur and a nature lover, sharing his passions with his wife and sons.


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