Management & Support Services.

To grow your revenue on Amazon and Walmart, you’ll need help with all the little areas of your account to keep the sales flowing. We have brought together a team of true experts that live and breathe eCommerce.

A key component to successful partnership is maintaining operational accountability with all stakeholders to solve problems and overcome issues. This is where out management and support services shine!

Account Management.

Custom Amazon & Walmart Account Management

  • PREFERRED PARTNER - Enjoy Expedited Communication, Preferred Coaching Call Time Slots, Reduced Billable Rates, And Having Our Team Backing You

    REDUCE RISK - Take Control Of Your Account Health, Voice Of The Customer, And Reduce Deactivation Risk For Your Account and Products

    SAVE YOUR TIME - We Handle Case Management, Reporting, Suspensions And Let You Focus On Your Product/Brand Development

    EXPERT OUTSOURCING - Work Hand-In-Hand With A Dedicated Amazon Expert That's Knowledgable Of Your Products and Your Account

  • Amazon, Walmart, Shopify & Beyond

  • 1 Monthly Meeting to discuss issues, opportunities and plan for next steps with your Amazon Seller account. We can help build your brand through consistent guidance and support.

    Expedited Communication & Access To Project Management gives you direct access to our entire team at any time! Whether you need a little insight or you need our team to jump into a project; get a hold of us when you need us!

    Inventory/Product Listing Assistance means we can assist with getting things right in your account. We'll help with basic issues such as stranded inventory, annoying Amazon Casework, and small optimizations items. Eliminate all the tedious hassles and work with a team that lets you run your Amazon business.

    NCX/VOC Issues can cause product suspensions and long term issues if they are not addressed. If they are consistent, then you need support to help remedy the issues and reduce downtime.

    Amazon Case Management means that we will open tickets and follow up on cases that need resolution. Our entire team has been handling this for years. We understand how Amazon works, how they communicate, and how to get work done.

  • Q: Which marketplaces and countries does buffaBRAND work with?

    A: Amazon (Global), Walmart (US), Shopify (Global).

    We offer our services globally in English & Mandarin.

    We are located in Buffalo, NY, United States (EST) and will work with all time zones as needed.

    Q: How do you communicate with your clients?

    A: We utilize Zoom Calls, Email, Google Drive & Basecamp Project Management.

    Q: How can I order this service?

    A: Go ahead and scroll up and click the GET STARTED button, fill out the information, and our Partnership Team will be in contact shortly. After that, we have simple step-by-step process to get your order started and completed as efficiently as possible.

Account Support.

Custom Amazon & Walmart Seller Support Solutions

  • DEEP ANALYSIS - A Full Review of Your Account Including Areas You May Not Be Utilizing

    REDUCE RISK - Includes Account Health Check To Identify Potential Issues, At Risk Product Listings & PPC Inefficiencies

    PRODUCT CHECK - Quality Written Breakdown of Analysis Of Top 5 ASINS

    QUALITY Q&A - Follow Up Call To Discuss Breakdown & Build An Action Plan

  • Amazon, Walmart, Shopify

  • A Full Review of Your Account means that we can take the time to deep dive into every aspect of your Amazon account. We'll analyze overall account health, product optimization quality, paid advertising (PPC) strategy, overall branding and check on many small areas of Amazon account that are often overlooked or under utilized.

    A Quality Written Breakdown of Analysis means you will have a 4-5 page document delivered to your inbox on what you are doing right, what's going wrong, and every opportunity in between. This document provides examples, reasoning, and strategic suggestions on how to take your Amazon business to the next level.

    A Follow Up Call To Discuss and Breakdown the Analysis allows buffaBRAND to work with you on creating actionable steps on how to eliminate risks, optimize sales, and how to overcome current issues you're facing.

    Delivery Time - 5 business days once all information is provided & review call is scheduled.

    Call Information - We Use ZOOM For All Consulting Calls So We Can Share Screens & Meet "Face-To-Face"

    Scheduling - All Calls Can Be Scheduled Through Our Calendly Link

  • Q: Which marketplaces and countries does buffaBRAND work with?

    A: Amazon (Global), Walmart (US), Shopify (Global).

    We offer our services globally in English & Mandarin.

    We are located in Buffalo, NY, United States (EST) and will work with all time zones as needed.

    Q: How do you communicate with your clients?

    A: We utilize Zoom Calls, Email, Google Drive & Basecamp Project Management.

    Q: How can I order this service?

    A: Go ahead and scroll up and click the GET STARTED button, fill out the information, and our Partnership Team will be in contact shortly. After that, we have simple step-by-step process to get your order started and completed as efficiently as possible.


Amazon Listing & Account Reinstatements

  • EXPERT ANALYSIS - A Full Review Of Your Product/Account Issue, Including Documentation, Previous Cases, And All Correspondence

    PROFESSIONAL POA - Quality Written Plan of Action Submitted By Our Team

    QUALITY SUPPORT - Follow-ups, Rewrites, And Resubmissions As Needed

    AVOID RISK - Additional Insight On How To Reduce The Likelihood Of Future Issues

  • Amazon Only

  • A Deep Dive Review of Your Account and Products means that we can take the time to deep dive into where the issues are presenting for your Amazon business that cause this account suspension. This will include looking at the direct and indirect causes of your current suspension and building a strategy to reduce the likelihood of suspension happening again.

    A Quality Written Plan of Action means you will have a 1-2 page document delivered to your inbox directing you on exactly what to submit to Amazon, where to submit, and how to submit. This POA is crafted based on years of experience of overcoming Amazon Seller Suspensions.

    Follow-ups, Rewrites, and Resubmissions As Needed means we don't leave your side until we have a successful overturn of your suspension. We will continue to work on your behalf until the very end.

  • Q: Which marketplaces and countries does buffaBRAND work with?

    A: Amazon (Global), Walmart (US), Shopify (Global).

    We offer our services globally in English & Mandarin.

    We are located in Buffalo, NY, United States (EST) and will work with all time zones as needed.

    Q: How do you communicate with your clients?

    A: We utilize Zoom Calls, Email, Google Drive & Basecamp Project Management.

    Q: How can I order this service?

    A: Go ahead and scroll up and click the GET STARTED button, fill out the information, and our Partnership Team will be in contact shortly. After that, we have simple step-by-step process to get your order started and completed as efficiently as possible.

Written Optimization.

Keyword Dense Product Listing For Amazon & Walmart

  • FULLY OPTIMIZED - Product Title, Bullets, Description With Relevant Search Terms

    DRIVE TRAFFIC - Five Keyword Dense Bullet Points Utilizing Maximum Characters

    RANK HIGHER - HTML Formatted Product Description & Basic Provided To Fit Your Needs

    MORE OPPORTUNITIES - Backend Search Terms & Misspellings May Be The Key To Your Next Sale

  • Amazon & Walmart

  • Amazon Product Optimizations have many aspects, but in the modern day of convenience and speed your product images have taken over the role of traditional copy. In the current Amazon world, product descriptions are all about optimizing for keywords to drive traffic. It's a quick and easy way to boost organic traffic.

    A Fully Optimized Title is crucial to building a solid listing that brings in organic traffic and works to double down on your PPC keyword efforts. The title is where it all begins and one the most important areas to optimize.

    Five Keyword Dense Bullet Points are critical for the success of the listing in that they both help describe the product further and that each bullet include keywords that drive traffic through search.

    An HTML Formatted Product Description will help to breakout your search terms further while providing one last area for a customer to read about your brand and product. Using HTML help keep this from being a blob of text. **This area is covered by A+ Content, but will still index for search terms**

    Backend Search Terms & Misspellings are hidden from your customers, but will allow Amazon to index you for terms that may not make sense in your listing, but are still important. These may include common misspellings or odd technical terms.

  • Q: Which marketplaces and countries does buffaBRAND work with?

    A: Amazon (Global), Walmart (US), Shopify (Global).

    We offer our services globally in English & Mandarin.

    We are located in Buffalo, NY, United States (EST) and will work with all time zones as needed.

    Q: How do you communicate with your clients?

    A: We utilize Zoom Calls, Email, Google Drive & Basecamp Project Management.

    Q: How can I order this service?

    A: Go ahead and scroll up and click the GET STARTED button, fill out the information, and our Partnership Team will be in contact shortly. After that, we have simple step-by-step process to get your order started and completed as efficiently as possible.

Building Better
Brands Across Markets.

We are proud to be official trusted service provider partners with Amazon, Walmart, & Shopify. This ensures that we maintain the highest caliber team possible, working with each market to build long-term success.

As your brand growth partner, we offer access to exclusive programs, expedited support, and decades of experience in all areas. This allows our team to take your brand to the next level while maintaining long-term sustainable growth.