buffaBRAND Marketing

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Importance of The POW For Your E-Commerce Brand

Product on White (POW for short) is easy to understand, it’s in the name. Essentially, it is an image of a product up against a seemingly endless white background. There may be small nuances to these types of images such as a model’s hand to show product scale or even smaller touches that create a more dynamic image like a soft drop shadow or a table reflection. 

Either way, it is the very first image any customer will see of your product. Therein lies the reason why the POW image is one of the most important images. It needs to attract the eye, peak interest, and stand out against the competition. All edges of the product in any POW image need to be sharp and in focus, and the colors to be accurate. This image is the pitch to get any customer to click onto your listing; which is half the step to closing a sale.

Amazon A+ Content and Brand Story allow brands to enhance their product listings with multimedia content such as images, text, and links. Although they may occupy similar space, they have specific purposes.

A+ Content is a great way to highlight the unique features and benefits of a product and provide shoppers with a better understanding of what they can expect from the product.

Brand Story is a great way to build brand awareness, establish a connection with potential customers, and differentiate your brand from competitors.By using high-quality visuals and storytelling, Brand Story can help you showcase what makes your brand unique and increase customer loyalty.

To use these features properly, sellers should:

  • Use Amazon A+ Content to provide shoppers with additional information about a product, and to highlight its unique features and benefits.

  • Use Brand Story to build brand awareness, and to create an emotional connection with shoppers.

  • Use high-quality images to enhance the effectiveness of both tools.

  • Keep the information brief and easy to read with bullet points and subheadings.

  • Use a consistent brand voice and tone to make the content cohesive and aligned with the brand's overall messaging.